Nourishing the Therapist through Mindfulness and Creativity

After almost 20 years as a therapist I still love my work, I still feel a deep sense of gratitude for the many personal journeys I have been privileged to accompany and contribute to and I still feel inspired by the courage, resilience and creativity of people I have met along the way. Therapy, to me, is primarily a creative process, a path of unfolding moment to moment. To reduce it to a problem/solution activity is just not doing justice to the many facets of the human experience                     .                                                                                                                                                   

While training and experience offer a therapeutic map, it is the willingness to be deeply engaged and to courageously enter the world of the other, be with what arises and to co-create understanding and insight that holds the possibility of transformation. Engagement of this quality is deeply meaningful and also demanding so regular care for our own body, heart and soul is needed to sustain energy, compassion and resilience.

Offering this kind of care to ourselves is at the heart of the intention of our upcoming Mindfulness and Creativity Retreat in Bali. Psychologist Jacki Short and I are offering a 5 day retreat for people in the helping professions that meets not only educational and professional development needs but primarily offers a space to be in community, practice mindfulness and explore through creative practices. There will also be plenty of fun and rest, massages, good food and some interesting excursions.

Please find out more here.

And to see a short video of Jacki and talking about how we will be balancing structure and rest at the retreat:
Hope you can join us.

